Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This is Rilee being cool at the fair. The newspaper took the picture because they said she looked so cute in her new sunglasses. Rilee had so much fun. Her favorite ride was the rollercoaster. We were there all day and had fun the whole time. We can't wait until next year!


Annie said...

cute picture of Riley. I can't wait to see Connor and see how he sizes up to Elliott.

Anonymous said...

Right on...way to promote UFIRST for me. haha. What a cheese head she is. Looks cute.

Bing Math said...

Yeah!! You have a blog. Good job. - Haley

Kandis Broadhead said...

oh yeah...a blog! Thanks for letting me know it. I think already gave you ours...but here it is again

The Dalton Family said...

Oh Mel, Riley is just a adorable. She is gonna be a heartbreaker just like her mommy. I am so glad you got a blog. Jamie and Tiffany's links are on my page if you want to check them out.

Paxton said...

What a cutie! How are you guys? It has been so long